RI President Stephanie Urchick, a member of the McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA club, says members create The Magic of Rotary with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.
Rotary’s commitment to peace is one of her priorities. When asked about her priorities as President, she answered:
" My second priority is healing a divided world through Positive Peace. There are several ways to get involved. If everyone would live The Four-Way Test instead of just reciting it, we would have a more peaceful world. I hope clubs will rally around The Four-Way Test and use it in creative ways. And there is the peace pole project: Clubs can have peace poles erected in their local park, town square, or college campus. The message of peace on the poles is a visible sign to the community that Rotary is a peacebuilding organization. Additionally, Rotary has a Positive Peace Academy, which is an online activity. Any Rotary member or non-Rotary member can take the time to go through that. And our Rotary Peace Centers are powerful activators in changing lives. We’re opening a new peace center in the Middle East, in Istanbul. In February 2025, we will have a peace conference at that location."
To learn more about Urchick, read the US Rotary Magazine profile and this interview.