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RYLA 2025 is coming soon!
RYLA 2025 - Friday, May 23 at 10am - Sunday, May 25 at 3pm
RYLA 2024 Important Dates - Stay tuned!
Follow us on Instagram @RYLA7040 to stay up to date!
What is RYLA?
Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts around the world. It is entirely volunteer-run with many organizers and counselors being past RYLA delegates themselves. Participants attend RYLA with the financial support of a local Rotary club who “award” youth with a chance to participate in this once in a lifetime experience. Youth are selected based on the demonstration of leadership potential and a desire to be of service to their local and global communities. 
Check out this video from Rotary to see what RYLA is all about!
What do participants experience at RYLA?
At RYLA participants:
  • Develop skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
  • Build communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in their school or community.
  • Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors.
  • Unlock their potential to turn motivation into action.
  • Have fun and form lasting friendships!
After RYLA, participants are required to present to their sponsor club about their RYLA experience.
Where does RYLA take place and how do I get there?
The event will be hosted at RKY Camp on beautiful Eagle Lake, about one hour north of Kingston, ON. 
Who is eligible to apply?
District 7040 RYLA is open to high school and CEGEP students ages 15-17 living in District 7040.
Public Health and Safety
Please know that every precaution will be undertaken to insure the health and safety of  the young people in our care. We will adhere rigorously to public health protocols. In the event that we cannot host RYLA safely in person, it is our plan to pivot to online. We also request that participants experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms refrain from attending RYLA and will be offered the chance to attend the following year. 
I’m a student and am interested in attending, where do I start?
Step 1: Check your eligibility. RYLA is open to individuals aged 15 to 17 located within Rotary District 7040.
Step 2: Connect with a Rotary Club! The Rotary club in your community is responsible for selecting candidates and sponsoring your attendance. Try reaching out to your school Guidance counsellor or click here to find your local Rotary club! No Rotary Club in your community? Send us an email at and we'll connect you with another club looking to sponsor a candidate!
Step 3: Fill out the registration form! Once you've been selected for sponsorship by a Rotary Club, fill out this form so we can get to know you a bit before RYLA starts! 
Step 4: Get ready for RYLA! We'll send you all the information you need to prepare to have an unforgettable week! Please keep in touch with your sponsoring club in the time leading up to RYLA and keep an eye on your emails!
Our Rotary club wants to sponsor participants, where do we start?
Step 1: Let us know you're interested! Clubs that are interested in sponsoring one or more participant should complete the Club Sponsor Form as soon as possible. The deadline is Friday, March 29th, 2024. This year we can accept up to 4 youth per club. If your club is interested in sponsoring more than 4 participants or needs help being connected with interested students, please contact us at
Please note that in order to directly sponsor students for RYLA, the club must have Youth Protection Program certification at the district level. Information about this certification can be found here. If your club has opted out of or not yet completed this certification, please contact us at for instructions on how to proceed. 
Step 2: Recruit interested students! Reach out to school guidance counsellors, local Interact clubs, and other local youth organizations to recruit young leaders (aged 15-17) in your community! Having trouble finding interested students? Email us at and we will try to connect you with interested young leaders from elsewhere in the District.
Step 3: Select your candidates! Youth should be selected based on the demonstration of leadership potential and a desire to be of service to their local and global communities. The selection process is club dependant but tends to be informal. Some clubs may carry out mini-interviews or CV/resume review while others will accept recommendations from the school or other youth organization. However, final selection of candidates continues to remain at the club level and is not responsibility of the school or other youth organization
Step 4: Submit your candidates' names and pay! Once you have confirmed your candidates, please complete the Club Participants Form by Friday April 26th, 2024 to indicate your candidates' information and how your club will be paying. Please see below for information about payment options. 
Step 5: Get your candidates ready for RYLA! As a club, please ensure the chosen students 
complete the Registration Form by May 3rd, 2024 so we can send them all the information they need! Please continue to stay in touch with students in the time leading up to RYLA.
Other important things to consider:
       1. Does the student have any conflicts with the RYLA schedule (e.g. the Prom, assignments/tests on Friday,
           track and field meets, shifts at work)? If so, please ensure they are communicated to us as soon as possible.
       2. How will the student be transported to and from RKY Camp? Some clubs arrange carpooling with parents
           drivers while others have a Rotarian meeting the necessary YPP certification criteria make the trip. 
                             Participants are asked to arrive at RKY Camp between 10:00am and 10:30am on Friday, May 24th.
                             Our programming concludes at 3:00pm on Sunday, May 26th. 
       3. Do your candidates know that they must come present about their RYLA experience once returning home?
           Ensure your candidates are aware of the expectation and set a date for their presentation. 
Payment and Participant Registration Details (for clubs only) - deadline is Friday, May 3rd, 2024
The cost per participant will be $310 CAD ($230 USD). Payment for RYLA 2024 will be accepted by e-transfer or cheque mailed directly to the District Treasurer. 
  1. Send e-transfer to in the full amount ($310 x # of participants). Be sure to include your club's name and Club ID number in the message portion of the e-transfer.
  2. Send screenshot of proof of payment to On Mac, hold down Command + Shift + 3 to take a screenshot. On Windows, hold down the Windows + Shift + S to take a screenshot. 
  1. Email to inform us you are paying by check.
  2. The check should be made out to Rotary District 7040 for the full amount owed by your club ($310 x # of participants). Please add your club's name, club ID and "RYLA 2024" to the memo line.
  3. Mail check to:
                     Rotary District 7040 
                     c/o Maria Robinson - Treasurer
                    131 Queen St - Box 420
                    Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
Questions? Contact

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