Posted by Gerry Lambert, IPDG

Identifying opportunities to support the homeless, free will dinners, food pantries, scholarships, the disabled, PolioPlus, the Rotary Foundation, and many other local and International needs has never been a challenge for Rotary clubs. However, having clubs raise funds to support those needs during the COVID19 crisis has been a challenge.

Several Rotary and ROTARACT clubs have now started implementing new fundraisers to fill their financial gap.



This month I thought I would share with you what the Canton, New York Rotary club recently created as a new fundraiser.  It is my hope that what they and other clubs have done will provide ideas on how to implement similar projects.

They raised $1500 USD by selling - Apple Pies.

Through their club members, flyers, social media, etc. they were able to advertise a one-day drive-by pick up for these amazing Apple Pies which were produced and donated by one of the Club’s Rotarian families. The orders were placed/paid for online using a payment service/app called Square Up set up by one of the members of the club that uses the service for his business. Square up site.

They offered 100 pies, either frozen or fresh, for $15 each and in a relatively short period of time all the pies were sold out. Each pie had a sticker on the box thanking the buyer for supporting the causes being supported by the fundraiser and recognizing the generosity of the donor of the pies. 


On the day of pick up, Rotarians, wearing masks and “Rotarians at Work” vests, were there to deliver the pies to the cars in a very efficient manner over a 6-hour period utilizing 3 two-hour shifts of 3-4 Rotarians. 

After the event, club members took time to recognize the business that provided a location for the pies to be picked up; the family that had produced/donated the pies; and finally the committee chair for all her hard work. 
The event was such a success that the club is now in the process of doing something similar by partnering with a local BBQ caterer to offer barbecue dinners. The process will be similar. FB Chicken BBQ dinner fundraiser (example).   This event will include a flier letting people know that not only does Rotary exist in their community but describing the positive impact Rotary makes both locally and internationally using the funds that they contributed.
If your club has come up with a new fund raiser that was a success, I would encourage you to put together an article and send it in next month to the district bulletin.